Birth of Maxtin (originally shared from Karina Schuh Photography)

midwife, Liz Derry, checks on Mom and brand new baby.  Image provided by Karina Schuh Photography.

midwife, Liz Derry, checks on Mom and brand new baby.  Image provided by Karina Schuh Photography.

The following birth story was written by professional photographer/ birth photographer, Karina Schuh.  

When we first met to talk about documenting her next birth, Tabitha told me that she would have a fast birth as her four children were born the same way. She was prepared to deliver at the hospital but knew that it would be a challenge to make it there on time. Her luggage was packed, and there were more bags for all of her three children. They would have to go to the hospital, too. I knew, Tabitha as a doula would have loved to deliver at home which would have been more comfortable for the whole family but she was not able to find a midwife to control the delivery.

I met Liz from Otero Birth (Please check out her website and Facebook) on May 19th, Tabitha’s due date, at the Plateau Espresso in Alamogordo. Liz Derry is an experienced midwife and just moved to Alamogordo a week before. We talked about deliveries and her work, I shared my experience as a birth photographer with her before I told her about Tabitha and her family. Liz was open and offered her service as a midwife. So, Tabitha and Liz got in touch. There was no time left to make big plans.

On May 24th, at 7.15 a.m., Tabitha called me and said that she had been having contractions off and on since midnight already and she said that the baby would be delivered probably during the next two hours. That was my signal. I sent my son to school and went on base, HAFB, to Tabitha’s house. I took the first photo there at 7.49 a.m.

Tabitha got strong contractions, Liz who also arrived a few minutes earlier than me, helped her massaging the contractions away. Everything was installed for a homebirth. The bathtub was filling with warm water.

The kids just got up and were already excited to watch TV and play with their tablets.

Liz checked on Tabitha, temperature, contractions, etc. She worked very quiet and professionally.

Next contractions arrived and Tabitha told us she wanted to sit on the toilet. That was the sign for Liz that the baby wanted to arrive. Quickly, Liz got her huge bag and took out everything she needed for a sudden delivery. All of us helped getting everything in place.

When I arrived at this tiny little bathroom, Tabitha was not able to get up by herself from the toilet. Her husband had to move her to the floor. There was no time. On all fours, she pushed a few times, and...

To read the rest of the story and see the beautiful slide show visit the original blogpost here.

You can also see more of the professional photographer, Karina Schuh, on her website, or facebook page.