If you're exploring your prenatal and delivery options in South Eastern New Mexico, including Roswell and surrounding areas, midwifery from Otero Birth may be the solution your looking for to create a meaningful childbearing experience. A midwife works with a woman and her family, providing for all the physical and emotional needs. They are fully licensed health care providers that can provide comparable services to that of an OBGYN but create a more personalized relationship with private, in home care.
From when you first conceive your child to the first few weeks of your newborns life, a midwife will be there every step of the way providing natural, holistic care in support of a healthy pregnancy and childbirth experience. Every step of the way will be monitored. If at any time care is required outside of home care, you will be referred to another health care provider for additional assistance.
Midwife, in the most basic, and perhaps truest sense, means simply: with woman. The focus then, is to come along side the woman, to support her and her family by facilitating the gathering of information and encouraging proactive participation in her care. As experienced maternity providers, we have witnessed that pregnancy and birth is a more fulfilling, and even fun, experience for the woman who becomes involved in her own care.
A midwife specializes in normal, and helps the woman to become more involved in her own care, helps her learn to trust that just as her body knew how to form the baby inside her, it also knows how to get it out. A midwife gives very personal attention and strives to instruct and guide the woman along her journey so as to best help her to gain wisdom and tap in to her inner strength in the process.
A midwife also stays with the woman through her entire labor, birth, and after, instead of being attended to by nurses she has never met and only seeing her doctor briefly during the process. We spend on average 60 minutes with each client for each prenatal and postpartum visit. That alone is a huge difference than standard OB led prenatal care. We also come to see our clients outside of our normal schedule of visits, if there is something of concern. Clients have the midwife's personal cell phone number, and are able to call or text her if there is anything for which they need assistance.
Pregnancy and childbirth is such a special and ultimately life changing time in a woman’s life, and for the whole family. It is also a normal, healthy function of the human body. It is so important for a woman to be able to trust her body to function properly throughout her pregnancy and childbirth. As she learns to properly nourish her body, and listen to her inner voice, she will find strength, joy, and a peace that is much harder to find without proper support from a caregiver that understands normal. Midwives are keepers of birth. It is our duty, and our joy, our purpose in life to help women along their journey, to help them find their voice and listen to it and express it.
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop and look fear in the face.”
Women need to know they have options. They have choices. They have the opportunity to be nurtured by their caregiver and to be the one in charge of their birth, without having to try to make fit their ideas and wishes around the policies and procedures of others. Instead, their birth can be what they want of it, with caregivers who know them personally and love them, and will fit what they need to do around what the woman wants for her birth. Spread the word. Tell someone you love about midwives and Otero Birth today.
Create a meaningful environment in which to bring your child into the world. Our services are perfect for new mothers and couples who are committed to providing the very best in prenatal, childbirth, and postpartum care. To explore your options for care from a midwife and prenatal care in the Roswell, New Mexico Area, call Otero Birth for more information. Our prices are affordable and payment plans are encouraged. We provide in home midwifery care to women in Clovis, Portales, Roswell, Artesia, Carlsbad, Almagordo, Ruidoso, Hobbs, and everywhere in between. You can have a beautiful, sacred, family centered birth, a birth where your wishes and desires are honored and respected at home with Otero Birth. Call us today to set up a free consultation.