Why Did I Choose a Home Birth?

-written by a recent client

“Why did I choose a home birth? 

I’ve been asked this question many times: in personal conversations with women AND men (men are a part of the birth process too and shouldn’t be shunned or shamed from asking or learning about it), online, etc. The answer isn’t just about *where* I birthed, but *how* I birthed. 


You see this picture? It captures why I chose a home birth, but I’ll go ahead and explain with a few more personal details. It was taken after labor and delivery: the bowl on the bed has green beans my sweet hubby made me, there’s a plate of toast with Kerry Gold butter 🤤 next to the bed my sister made for me, my other sister was probably in the kitchen or laundry room helping to clean up, Midwife Liz is holding my hand and Midwife student Daryl is checking Hudson over after having some time to nurse and get dressed.

My midwives came to my home for every appointment. Sometimes it was just Liz and sometimes there was a midwife student with her. They spent at least an hour with me each time, depending on their appointment and travel schedule for the day. Not only was I asked how I was doing physically, I was asked how I was doing emotionally. This gave me the chance to get to know and open up to my midwives, and for them to get to know me. They provided genuine emotional support and care throughout my pregnancy, delivery, and it’s continuing even now.

Unlike most OB’s, these women have not only experienced natural physiological labor for themselves, they’ve sat with and observed and cared for other women doing the same, from start to finish. OB/Gyn’s rarely ever witness a natural labor from start to finish, and they’re certainly not the ones in the room with you while you’re going through the thick of it.

These women were by my side every step of the way and in every way. Liz rubbed my feet and shoulders during labor, and provided hip counter pressure during contractions, as did Daryl. Both provided words of encouragement and love and support. They asked me what I wanted 😳 and then they made it happen. At one point during labor, I decided to get out of the birth pool and lay on the bed for a rest. Liz came over and laid next to me and held my hand. I didn’t have to ask for that ☺️ I was cared for as a whole being, a whole person, a valued and meaningful part of the labor and delivery process, not just a conduit for a baby being born.

This description barely scratches the surface of what this complete experience was like. I’ll write more later about it all. I’m so thankful for my family who was able to be there and all they did for me. I felt so loved and supported by everyone. I hope more women get to experience this. ❤️”

Shared with permission from a client/ recent birth.

Image provided by Devon Rae Photography

#homebirth #birthinthetimeofcovid19